Degree Programs


1.Department of Acting

Stage, Film and TV Acting: Acting, Speech, Movement, Vocal Training, solfeggio, College Chinese, Solo Singing, Basic Directing, Basic Makeup, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Western Drama, General Introduction to Art, and general studies etc.

2.Department of Directing

Stage, Film & TV Directing:

1)Fundamentals of Directing &Acting: Directing Basic Elements, Stage Events, Stage Direction, Stage Sound & Music, Literary Adaptation, Acting Basic Elements, Fragment Acting

2)Creation of Directing &Acting: Fragment Directing

3)Arts of Directing &Acting: Rehearsal for full - length plays

4)Theories of Directing &Acting: Basic Theory of Directing &Acting, Theory of Directing &Acting Creation, Directing &Acting Aesthetics, Techniques of Playwriting, Fundamentals of Stage Design, Film and TV Directing, Fundamentals of Chinese Traditional Opera Directing &Acting, Theatrical Speech Techniques, Movement Techniques

3.Department of Stage Design

Set Design: Fundamentals of Stage Design, Stage Design, General Studies of Stage Techniques, Fundamentals of Drawing, Fundamentals of Color, Creation with Space Materials, General Studies of Scenic Painting, General Studies of engineering, History of Stage Design, General Studies of Stage Lighting Design, History of Chinese and Foreign Architecture, History of Chinese Fine Arts, History of Foreign Fine Arts, 3D Software, Fundamentals of Directing, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Opera, Western Theatre, A General Introduction to Art and general studies etc.

Stage Makeup: Makeup Techniques,Stage Makeup Techniques, Film & TV Makeup, Daily Makeup Techniques, Makeup Design, Fashion Makeup Design, Hair Production, Techniques of Hair Plastic Arts, Special Effects Makeup, General Studies of Costume Techniques, Fundamentals of Drawing, Fundamentals of Color, General Studies of Set Design, Professional Photography, History of Chinese Costume, History of Foreign Costume, History of Stage Design, History of Chinese Fine Arts, History of Foreign Fine Arts, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Opera, Western Theatre, A General Introduction to Art and general studies etc.

Scenic Painting: Graphic Design Elements, Space Design Elements, Graphic Design, Space Design, Graphic Design of Scene Painting, Space Design of Scene Painting, Fundamentals of Drawing, Fundamentals of Color, General Studies of Stage Design, History of Chinese and Foreign Architecture, History of Stage Design, General Studies of Stage Techniques, History of Chinese Fine Arts, History of Foreign Fine Arts, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Opera, Western Theatre, A General Introduction to Art and general studies etc.

Stage Lighting: Fundamentals of Lighting Design, Lighting Design, Fundamentals of Lighting Techniques, Lighting Techniques, General Studies of Stage Techniques, General Studies of Stage Design, Fundamentals of Drawing, Fundamentals of Color, Graphic Composition, Space Composition, Color Composition, Projection Techniques, General Studies of Stage Makeup, History of Stage Design, Photography, Fundamentals of Directing, History of Chinese Fine Arts, History of Western Fine Arts, Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Foreign Theatre, General Introduction to Art, and general studies etc.

Stage Costume: Fundamentals of Costume Design, Costume Design, Fundamentals of Costume Techniques, 3 D Clothing Cut, Costumes of Chinese Traditional Operas, Costume Design of Fictional Characters, Puppets Design & Making, General Studies of Makeup Techniques, Fundamentals of Drawing, Fundamentals of Color, History of Chinese Costumes, History of Foreign Costumes, General Studies of Stage Design, Costume Drawing Techniques, Graphic Composition, Color Composition, General Studies of Stage Lighting Design, History of Stage Design, History of Chinese Fine Arts, History of Western Fine Arts, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Foreign Theatre, General Introduction to Art, and general studies etc.

Management of Stage Techniques: Fundamentals of Stage Techniques, Stage Sets & Machinery、Engineering in Stage Sets, Fundamentals of Stage Management, Theatre Management, Theatrical Performances Management, Basic Qualities, General Studies of Stage Design, General Studies of Stage Lighting Design, Fundamentals of engineering, General Studies of Costume Techniques, General Studies of Makeup Techniques, Fundamentals of Scenic Painting, Fundamentals of Music, Fundamentals of Directing, 3D Software, Fundamentals of Creative Writing, Sound Techniques, History of Chinese Fine Arts, History of Western Fine Arts, History of Stage Design, General Introduction to Art, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Foreign Theatre, and general studies etc.

Computerized Design: Characters Design for Animation, original drawing techniques, 3-D animation, 2D Design, 3D Software, Stage Digital Imaging, 2D Software, Shot Designer, Fundamentals of Computerized Design, Advertisement Design, Web Design,Logo Design, General Studies of Stage Design, General Studies of Stage Lighting Design, General Introduction to Animation,Illustration Design,Color Composition, History of Chinese Fine Arts, History of Western Fine Arts,History of Stage Design, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Foreign Theatre, General Introduction to Art, and general studies etc.

4.Department of Dramatic Literature

Creative Writing: Writing, Appreciation of Chinese Classical Poetry, Appreciation of Chinese Classical Literature, Chinese Classical Novels, Chinese Modern Literature, Foreign Literature, Chinese Spoken Drama, Western Theatre, Reading and Appreciation, Introduction to Art, Fundamentals of Acting and Directing, Drama Criticism, Screenwriting for TV, A Study of Chinese Playwrights, A Study of Western Playwrights, Chinese Traditional Opera, Theatre Studio, Theatre Critics and general studies etc.

Screenwriting For TV: Writing, Screenwriting for TV, Appreciation of Chinese Classical Poetry, Chinese Classical Literature, Chinese Classical Novels, Chinese Modern Literature, Foreign Literature, Chinese Spoken Drama, Western Theatre, Reading and Appreciation, Analysis of TV programs, Theories of TV Screenwriting, Film Analysis, DV Practice, A Study of Chinese Playwrights, A Study of Western Playwrights, Chinese Traditional Opera, Introduction to Art, and general studies etc.

Theatre History Studies and Criticism: Writing, Theatre Criticism, Theatre Aesthetics, Appreciation of Chinese Classical Poetry, Appreciation of Chinese Classical Literature, Chinese Classical Novels, Chinese Modern Literature, Foreign Literature, Chinese Spoken Drama, Western Theatre, Reading and Appreciation, Introduction to Art, Film Analysis, A Study of Western Theatre, Introduction to Theatre, Chinese Traditional Opera, Intensive Reading, Creative Writing, Exclusive Reading of Classical Philosophy, A Study of Chinese Playwrights, A Study of Western Playwrights and general studies etc.

5.Department of Musical Theatre

Acting(Musical Theatre Acting): Acting, Basic Theories on Music in Musical Theatre, Vocal Training, Solfeggio, Chorus, Speech, Basic Ballet, Basic Jazz, Tip-tap Dance, Basic Modern Dance, Dance in Musical Theatre、Singing in Musical Theatre、Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Western Theatre, General Introduction to Arts, and general studies etc.

6.Department of Peking Opera

Peking Opera Acting: Studies of Classic Pieces (Based on roles), Fundamentals of Acting, Peking Opera Basic Skills, Movement Training (Based on roles), Rhyme of Peking Opera, Vocal Training, Gongs & Drums & Folk Tunes,Fundamentals of Peking Opera Singing Genre, Basic Music Theory & Solfeggio,Makeup & Costume,Stage Direction & Stage Management Regulation, Fundamentals of Directing, Analysis of Classic Pieces, Peking Opera, Analysis & Appreciation of Ancient Literary Works, and general studies etc.

Music Accompaniment: Playing Techniques, Instrumental Ensemble, Rehearsal, Secondary Instrument, Solfeggio, Harmony, Composition, Creation of Singing Genre, General Introduction to Traditional Chinese Opera Music, History of Chinese & Western Music, Analysis of Classic Pieces, Rhyme of Peking Opera, Analysis & Appreciation of Ancient Literary Works, and general studies etc.

7.Department of Opera

      The Opera Department was formerly called the Opera and Dance Drama Theatre when the school was founded in 1949. In 1950 the Opera and Dance Drama Theatre premiered the opera The White Hair Girl. In 1952 it produced several operas such as The White Hair Girl, the Yang Ge Opera ‘Brother and Sister Reclaim the Wasteland' (Xiongmei kai huang), ‘Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang’, ‘Xiao Er Hei Gets Married’, ‘Attacking the Invaders’ and ‘The Long March’, which contributed a lot to the New Opera Movement at that time. In 1984 the Academy resumed the Opera Program for a period of time. In 2012, after discussion, the Opera Department was officially reinstated.

      The Opera Department, aiming at training high level opera singers, emphasizes strongly  training in professional skills, as well as cultural education. Nowadays, the Opera Department has a faculty team which includes teachers such as LIU Weiwei, LIU Shan, SHI Lei, LI Hong, BAI Shuo, HU Di, GUO Siming.


Singing, Opera Acting,Chorus, Ensemble,Score Reading, Speech, History of Chinese Music,

History of Western Music, Chinese Folk Music,Piano, Foundations of Music

Theory,Italian, German, Basic French, History of Opera Art, Introduction to Art and other compulsory courses.

    8.Department of Dance Theatre

   The Dance Theatre Department provides education and training at Bachelor Degree level (for five years) at present; the acting system of dance theatre discipline is consisted of theatrical performance methods, such as traditional Chinese opera acting, modern drama acting, dance drama acting and so on.The major jobs of teaching are undertaken by experts of different dance genres, outstanding dance choreographers, theoretical teachers of dance drama and acting teachers of other theatrical performances jointly. Especially, curricula of dance drama acting within our theatrical performance system will run through student's five years of learning period. Main professional courses include: Dance Theatre Repertoire and Dance Theatre Choreography. Other specialized courses include: Basic Ballet Training, Pas de Deux Ballet Techniques, Chinese Classical Dance (techniques and classical dance of Han & Tang dynasty), Folk Dance (both national and international), Chinese and Foreign Folk dance and Modern Dance Techniques. The other two courses in dance theater performance system are Traditional Chinese Opera Acting and Modern Drama Acting. Meanwhile, the supplementary courses include: Choreography, Directing, Choreographic Music, Dance Theatre Stage Design, Fashionable Dance and relative required professional knowledge about stage art. Professional theory courses include: History of Western Dances, History of Chinese Dances, Narrative Research of Dance Theatre, Appreciation and Analyzing of Classics and Benesh Movement Notation; as well as basic introductions about Dance as Medical Treatment, Calligraphy and etc. Practical courses include: Graduation Thesis, Graduation Production and Internship.

        9.  Department of Puppetry Theatre

      Puppetry Study Group of the Central Academy of Drama was founded in 1951, which pioneered the research and development of Puppetry Theatre study of the Central Academy of Drama. The Puppetry Research Center was established in 2015, after further academic research, the Puppetry Department was formally set up in 2017. 

      At present, the Department of Puppetry Theatre provides education and training at Bachelor Degree level (four years) for Acting Major with focus on acting and design. The main subjects are puppetry acting, manipulation skills, puppet design and model making, puppetry playwriting and directing, mime show, language skills, vocal skills, movement, puppetry art aesthetics, history of Chinese puppetry, history of western puppetry, puppetry theatre theory, appreciation of Chinese and foreign puppetry works, public compulsory courses, etc. 

10.Department of Film and TV Arts

Directing(Film & TV Writing / Directing):  Fundamentals of Film and TV Directing, Practice of Film and TV Directing, Screenwriting, Fundamentals of Directing and Acting, Audio-Visual Language, Film and TV Photography, Fundamentals of Film and TV Recording, Film Design, Film Analysis, Film Genre, Study of Film Masters, Voice Training, Movement, History of Chinese Film, History of Foreign Film, General Introduction to Art Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Foreign Drama and general studies etc.

Directing (Film & TV Producing): Programming Management, Case Study, Marketing, Fundamentals of Economics, Fundamentals of Accounting, Enterprise Management, Audience Studies, Planning, Basic Finance, Fundamentals of Psychology, Human Resource Management, General Introduction to Film and TV Techniques, Theories and Practice of Public Relations, Laws and Regulations in Literature and Art, Economic Laws, Media Management, General Introduction to Cultural Industry, Audio-Visual Language, Film Analysis, Chinese Film, Foreign Film, Theatre Management, Fundamentals of Mess Media Studies, TV Programming, Film Genre, Foreign Literature, Chinese Literature, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Foreign Drama, General Introduction to Art and general studies etc.

News-Anchoring and MC for Broadcast and Television: General Introduction to Compare Art, News Practice and Theories, Fundamentals of Compare Language, Compare Training, Compare Art, Language Techniques of Compare, Speech, News English, Television Programming, Appreciation and Analysis of TV Programs, MC Studies, Broadcasting Studies, Chinese Spoken Drama, Chinese Traditional Operas, Foreign Drama, General Introduction to Art and general studies etc.

11.Department of Theatre Management

Directing(Production Management): Production Management, Theatre Planning & Development, Theatre Operating Management, Case Study, General Introduction to Production, Stage Management, Appreciation & Analysis of performances, General Introduction to Theatre, Stage Engineering, Fundamentals of Acting and Directing, Fundamentals of Management, Psychology on Performances Consumption, General Introduction to Cultural Creative Industry, Investment & Financing, Communication & Negotiation, General Introduction to Culture and Art Laws, General Introduction to Art Market, Fundamentals of Music, History of Chinese and Foreign Performances, and general studies etc.

   12.Department of Theatre Pedagogy 

    Current major established by the Department of Theatre Pedagogy is Theatre Pedagogy.

    Major of Theatre Pedagogy: to cultivate composite art talents who owns higher cultural and artistic accomplishment, masters basically the drama creation theory and skills, can engage in the drama education of primary school, middle school and college and have the potential of organizing the performance. Main courses established: Theatre Pedagogy, Theatre Education Classroom, Performance, Directing, Stage Language Skills, Stage Physical Skills, Works Analysis & Adaptation, Basis of Stage Art, Music Foundation, Educational Psychology, Basis of Opera Directing, Dramatic Aesthetics, Playwriting Foundation and some public compulsory courses etc.

Application and Enrollment

1.Undergraduate Program

International students need to take passport, certificate of  New HSK (level 5), graduate diploma of high school, and transcript (original and notarized translation copy) to the International Student’s Office of the Central Academy of Drama for approval.

Application time: in January

The qualified students have to pay RMB480for registration and login http://zhaosheng.zhongxi.cnfor on-line application. Please find the exact time and process for on-line application on the Program for Undergraduate Students’ Enrollment of the year.

After on-line application, all candidates shall print out the pass card for the enrollment test, and take the exams on specific time. Please also find the subjects and content of the examinations on the Program for Undergraduate Students’ Enrollment of the year.

Our office will post the admission letter and JW202 Visa Application Form to the enrolled students at the early July.

2.Post-graduate Program

International students need to take passport,  New HSK (level 5, above 210 scores), certificate of bachelor’s degree, bachelor’s graduate diploma and transcript (original and notarized translation copy) to the International Student’s Office of the Central Academy of Drama for approval, please find the exact application time on the Program for Post-graduate Students’ Enrollment of the year.

Application time: early October

The qualified students have to pay RMB480for registration, and go to the Graduate Students’ Office to finish the application procedures for post-graduate students’ enrollment test. Before the examinations, all candidates could get the pass card at the Graduate Students’ Office, and shall take the exams on specific time. Please find the subjects and content of the examinations on the Program for Post-graduate Students’ Enrollment of the year.  International students are not required to take the examinations of Politics and English.

Our office will post the admission letter and JW202 Visa Application Form tothe enrolled students at the early July.

3.Doctoral Program

International students need to take passport,  New HSK (level 5, above 240 scores), certificate of bachelor’s degree, bachelor’s graduate diploma and transcript (original and notarized translation copy), certificate of master’s degree, master’s graduate diploma and transcript (original and notarized translation copy), full-text master dissertation, and two professors’ recommendation letters to the International Student’s Office of the Central Academy of Drama for approval, please find the exact application time on the Program for Doctoral Degree Students’ Enrollment of the year.

Application time: in March

The qualified students have to pay RMB480for registration, and go to the Graduate Students’ Office to finish the application procedures for doctoral degree students’ enrollment test. Before the examinations, all candidates could get the pass card at Graduate Office, and shall take the exams on specific time. Please find the subjects and content of the examinations on the Program for Doctoral Degree Students’ Enrollment of that year. International students are not required to take the examinations ofPolitics and English.

Our office will post the admission letter and JW202 Visa Application Form to the enrolled students at the early July.


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