Chinese Language Program

Chinese Language Program (0.5-2 years)


  1.Teaching Hours and Activities for Chinese Language and Culture

The program usually gives 20 hours instruction a week, 18 weeks each semester. Cultural visits such as trip to the Great Wall and student parties are also organized for long-term students.


The Chinese Language courses generally include Pronunciation, Grammar, Conversation, Listening, Writing,Readingand Practical activities. The curriculum’s breadth has met the special demands and interests of students, and students can choose specific classes as they see fit for their levels, such as Beginner, Fair, Good, Excellent. HSK training programs are available. In addition, CD Course, Chinese Computing Application, TV News Understanding, Tourist inBeijing, Chinese Film Appreciation, Social Visit and Topics on Social Customs are provided.

  3.Time For A New Semester

  There are two academic semesters, spring semester & fall semester. The spring semester begins in March and the fall semester begins in September.

  4.Appily Time

  All the applicants should submit their application forms to international cooperation office before the new semester begins.


No. 29 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587

