Doctor Degree

The regulations are formulated according to “National Academic Degree Regulations”,“Temporary Regulations of National Academic Degree” ,related official documents issued by Ministry of Education and specific situation of the university.

Each discipline should formulate detailed regulations and training program according to the rules and specific situation of the discipline. The training program should be approved by  Branch committee of academic degrees evaluation and School Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee before execution, which should contain brief introduction ot the discipline, training purpose, research fields, learning duration, course learning, literature reading, academic activities,practical abilities,Mid-term examination,academic publication ,research practice,academic paper.

I、Training Purpose

(i)(ii)In the fields of the discipline and speciality, the student should master solid and broad basic theory and related knowledge of the subject,meanwhile,he should possess the ability of independently conducting scientific research or special technical work and make creative achievements in science or technology.

(iii)The student should have ability of reading foreign files of the discipline and writing scientific articles.

(iv)The student should master ability of searching knowledge and information with modern information technology.

(v)Physical and psychological well-being.

II、 Research Fields

Each discipline set 3-7 research fields according to its features,the details could be seen in the training program of each speciality.

III、Program Duration

Full-time doctoral program usually is 3 years, part-time doctoral program is 4 years, a continuous program involving postgraduate and doctoral study is 5 years. Course learning in doctoral program takes half a year, and then the student will be arranged to continue the program in the college with the guide of supervisor.The doctoral student could apply for prolonging learning duration but need to go through the procedures according to the regulation.

IV、Training Methods

Supervisor-responsible system is carried out in the doctoral student training and steering group should be founded for every student, which is composed of the supervisor as the group leader and other 3-5 experts of related subject. The steering group should make personalized training program for each student and supervise the work,educate professional ethics, guide and check learning, research and academic thesis. The details could be seen in the duties of tutors in NJUCM.

V、Course Learning

In the training of doctoral student, the student should further Broaden and strengthen basic theory and professional knowledge,master the latest research of the subject and related knowledge in order to prompt innovative ability and quality of academic thesis.

VI、Literature Reading

Literature reading should be guided by the supervisor, including books,journals and special publications.The supervisor may guide the student to read files of different levels according to the teaching progress.

At the end of fourth semester, the student should finish at least 2 reading reports each of which should be more than 3000 words.The report should be graded by the supervisor, which are five levels, excellent,very good, good,qualified,unqualified.

1 credit would be given for each qualified report.

The assessment form and reading report should be handed in and stored in the personal learning documents by the secretary of college,and input the grade to Postgraduate Management System.

VII、Academic Activities

Academic activities of doctoral student refer to every kinds of academic activities which levels are higher than the subject and the student’s academic report or lecture.

The doctoral student should attend more than 10 academic activities before applying for thesis defense and conduct at least 1 academic report or lecture by himself.

The doctoral student should fill in “ Registration of Doctoral Student Participating Academic Activities” if he takes part in the activity, the host unit or lecturer should sign and write advices on the registration book. The registration book should be examined and signed by the supervisor, then handed in to the secretary of college and kept in the student’s personal learning documents after input the grade.

0.5 credit would be given for attending one lecture, 1 credit for academic lecture given by the student himself. The details could be seen in the “Management Regulations of NJUCM Postgraduate Participating Academic Activities”.

VIII、 Practical Abilities

(i)Teaching Practice

Each discipline should arrange teaching practice for the doctoral student,which could be lecture,experiment or clinical teaching. The time and form of the teaching practice should be recorded in the training program, and the details should be written in the personal training plan.

The doctoral student should fill in “Registration of Postgraduate Teaching Practice and Evaluation Form”, 1 credit would be given if the student is qualified in the evaluation.

The form should be handed in to the secretary of college to input the grade into postgraduate management system and kept in the student’s personal learning documents. This requirement could be exempted for the doctoral student who possesses Teaching Qualification Certificate and conducts teaching work.Credit still would be given if exempt is approved.

(ii) Clinical Practice                          

The second-level subjects affiliated to the first-level subjects Chinese Medicine, Integrated Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine should arrange the doctoral student of medical science to do certain clinical practice.

The time of clinical practice should be scheduled by each subject, and the details should be recorded clearly in the training plan.

The test should be done by the hospital after the clinical practice is finished, 1 credit would be given if the student is qualified.

The test form should be handed in to the secretary of college to input the grade into the postgraduate management system and kept in the student’s personal learning documents. This requirement could be exempted for the doctoral student who possesses Medical Doctor Qualification Certificate and conducts medical work.Credit still would be given if exempt is approved.

The second-level subjects subordinate to the first-level subjects Chinese Medicine, Integrated Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine should arrange the doctoral student of clinical medicine to do special training of second-level subject or third-level subject,undertake hospital consultation, teaching rounds, clinical and emergent work.The details could be seen in “Principles of Clinical Abilities Training for NJUCM Postgraduate”.

The examination on clinical abilities of doctoral student of clinical medicine contains 3 stages, test on clinical abilities of general departments,non-special clinical abilities test,special clinical abilities test. Each stage is 1 credit.Non-special clinical abilities test combines with mid-term examination and special clinical abilities test combines with graduation test.

IX、Mid-term Examination

Mid-term examination usually is conducted at the end of the fourth semester, which is organized by the exam group focusing on the student’s attitude, course learning, literature reading,thesis proposal and comprehensive knowledge.If the student is not qualified, learning duration should be prolonged.

The details of mid-term examination could be seen in “ Means of Mid-term Examination for NJUCM Doctoral Student”

X、Academic Paper

The study result should be presented by academic paper or patent,and the academic paper should be published with the name of NJUCM,the details could be seen in “ Regulations on Academic Publications for NJUCM Postgraduate”. Each discipline may raise detailed requirements not lower than the school’s standard according to the situation of each subject.

XI、Practice of Scientific Research and Academic Paper

Academic paper is the main task for doctoral student of medical science, it is an important step to train scientific research abilities and innovative abilities. In order to guarantee the quality of academic paper, the principles of thesis proposal,mid-term examination and conclusion report should be strictly conducted,the supervisor,discipline and college should control it in the aspects below.

(i)Thesis Proposal

The student should write thesis proposal and literature review after confirming research topic, thesis proposal should be conducted at the beginning of third semester. The details could be seen in “Temporary Regulations on NJUCM Postgraduate Thesis Proposal”.

(ii)Mid-term Report and Examination in Academic Paper Work

During the research for doctoral student’s academic paper,stage summary should be done and research work need to be reported in the range of whole school in the beginning of fifth semester,experts organized by Postgraduate College check the progress of academic paper and raise suggestions and advices for the problem and plans for the next step.

(iii)Preliminary Thesis Defense

Preliminary thesis defense should be applied by doctoral student,which should be done before thesis blind review and organized by college and discipline.The one who fails in preliminary thesis defense can not join thesis blind review and defense,re-application is permitted after at least 3 months modification. The details could be seen in “Means of Preliminary Thesis Defense of NJUCM Postgraduate”.

(iv)Experiment Records

The student should fill in experiment records of research according to “Experiment Recording Book of NJUCM Postgraduate Academic Thesis”.If the research of academic thesis pertains to the subject managed by school, the recording book may not be filled in,while write on the experiment recording book supplied by Scientific Research Department of the school.

(v)Writing and Defense of Academic Thesis

The details of writing and defense of academic thesis could be seen in “Basic Requirements and Format Principles for NJUCM Academic Thesis” and “Regulations of NJUCM Academic Thesis Defense”.

Requirements of Setting Training Plan for Doctoral Student

The supervisor and steering group should make training plan and fill in the training plan form according to National Degree Regulations,training program of discipline and personal situation of student.


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