
School of Mechanical Engineering

Major: Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation

Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation was rated a national level major of unique featuresin 2007, certified Engineering Education by Ministry of Education in 2012. Itis one of the first disciplines to undertake "Education and Training Program for Outstanding Engineers".

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

School of Materials Science and Engineering

Majors: MetalMaterials and Heat Treatments; Welding Technology and Equipments

Program objectives:

The program aims to provide students with basic theories and innovative research methods in metal materials science, materials engineering application technology and experimentation technology. Students majoring in metallic materials and heat treatment should take courses inchemical composition design and production methods of metallic materials; the influence of Heat Treatment on the structure and performance of metallic materials; development of new materials and new technology. Students majoring in welding technology and equipment should take courses in metal lurgy, welding technology and equipment, welding structure and design, welding quality in spection, welding materials design and advanced welding technology.

School of Electrical Engineering

Undergraduate Majors

Sequence Number

Undergraduate Majors




Industrial Automation

Process Control

Computer Control


Electric Engineering and Automation

Electric Power System and Its Automation

Power Electronics


Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument

Detection Technology and Instrument

Precision Instrument and Machinery

Process Measurement and Control Instrument


Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering


Automation excellence engineer(Excellence engineer educating and training program,Ministry of Education of China)

Excellence Engineer in Automation


Academic Degree Programs

Sequence Number

Degree Program


Discipline Name


Post-doctoral research stations


Control Science and Engineering

Instrument Science and Technology

Electric Engineering


First-level discipline for doctoral degrees


Control Science and Engineering

Instrument Science and Technology

Electric Engineering


Second-level discipline for doctoral degrees


Control Theory and Control Engineering

Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment

Systems Engineering

Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System

Navigation, Guidance and Control

Precision Instruments and Mmachinery

Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments

Power Electronics and Electrical Drive

Electric Power System and Its Automation

Electrical Theory and New Technology

Electrical Motor and Electrical Apparatus

High Voltage and Insulation Technology

Networking Control and Treatment Technology

Integrated Automation of Metallurgy

Monitoring Technology and Instrumentof theMarine Environment

Biomedical Instrumentation and Engineering


First-level discipline master degrees


Control Science and Engineering

Instrument Science and Technology

Electric Engineering

Biomedical Engineering


Second-level discipline formaster degrees


Control Theory and Control Engineering

Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment

Systems Engineering

Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System

Navigation, Guidance and Control

Precision Instruments and Machinery

Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments

Biomedical Engineering

Power Electronics and Electrical Drive

Electric Power System and its Automation

Electrical Theory and New Technology

Electrical Motor and Electrical Apparatus

High Voltage and Insulation Technology


Masters of engineering programs



Instrument and Meter Engineering

Electric Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

School of Information Science and Engineering (School of Software)

Computer Science and Technology

This major aims to train students with computing and systematic thinking, knowledge and skills of hardware and software application, and interdisciplinary application. Following the standards of computer industry, students are qualified for jobs of teaching, scientific research and application in the departments of research, education, technology, and administration management in enterprises. 

Electronic Information Engineering

This major aims to prepare students for engineering and technological positions in the field of electronic information with systematic thinking and interdisciplinary application to adapt to the development of society and technology. Despite the effect of non-technological factors like society, law, and environment, graduates are qualified to apply interdisciplinary knowledge to solve technological problems of engineering projects under uncertain environment, to complete the design, research, test and production of complicated electronic information products. With international vision, graduates know the international standards of Electronic Information and have foresight of the development trend of the industry; with teamwork spirit and communication competence, they can work for project development and implementation in a multidisciplinary team.

Communication Engineering

This major prepares students for engineering and technological positions in the field of communication engineering with systematic thinking and interdisciplinary application to adapt to the development of society and technology. Despite the effect of non-technological factors like society, law and environment, graduates are qualified to apply interdisciplinary knowledge to solve technological problems of engineering projects under uncertain environment, to complete the design, research, test and production of complicated electronic information products.With international vision, graduates know the international standards of electro-communication and have foresight of the development trend of the industry; with teamwork spirit and communication competence, they can work for project development and implementation in a multidisciplinary team. 

Electronic Science and Technology

This major prepares students for senior scientific and technological positions with broad knowledge of electronic science and technology, and design and manufacturing of photoelectron material and devices. Graduates, with international vision and the spirit of teamwork and innovation, are able to adapt to technology development, thus qualified for jobs like design and manufacturing, scientific development, application research and operational management of photoelectron material and device in manufacturing, especially photo-electronic technology field. They have an alternative to go further study for Master and Doctoral Degree in Electronic Science and Technology and relevant majors.

Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering

This major prepares students for senior engineering and technological positions with broad knowledge of optoelectronic information science and technology as well as the design and manufacturing of optoelectronic information system. Graduates, with international vision and the spirit of teamwork and innovation, are able to adapt to the development of technology, thus qualified for jobs to collect, transfer, process, store and display optoelectronic information in manufacturing, especially optoelectronic information field.

Software Engineering

This major aims to prepare students for potential careers in government agency, news media, publishing house, and fields of business, education, information consulting and IT, for jobs like software technology, software test, software development, software maintenance, network communication technology, digital media development, digitalization of audio and video, website design and maintenance, multi-media design and production, information service and digital media management, animation and game development. With solid theoretical foundation, comprehensive professional knowledge of computer technology and software engineering, graduates can go further. 


School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics  

Civil Engineering

To meet the requirements of society development, this major aims to train morally, intellectually and physically well-rounded graduates with fundamentals of Civil Engineering, profound professional knowledge, practical and innovative capacity, and international vision. After basic engineer training, graduates are qualified for technical and management-related jobs in house building, and road, bridge, geotechnical and underground engineering.


Engineering Mechanics

This major aims to train students with fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics, computing and experimentation skills, knowledge application, teamwork and innovation spirit, organizational skills, and international vision. Graduates, able to learn and adapt to the development of Engineering Mechanics, are qualified for engineering design, scientific development, application research, technology management and other engineering mechanics-related jobs. They have an alternative to go further study for Master and Doctoral degree in Engineering Mechanics and related majors.


This major aims to train morally, intellectually and physically well-rounded graduates with a solid foundation and professional knowledge to meet the requirements of the development of the country and society. Graduates are innovative and qualified for architecture-related job and adaptable to new developments.

Building Environment and Energy Engineering

This major aims to train students with basic and professional knowledge of building environment and energy engineering; thermal process and energy-saving; the plan, device selection, design principle, analysis and calculation method of hydraulic power and thermal condition of HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) system. Graduates acquire a wide range of knowledge, adaptability and employment competitiveness. 

School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering and Technology

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

Research Directions: chemical engineering and engineering design ofrelevant products; manufacturing technology; research, development, simulationand optimizing of technology and equipment; synthetic technology andperformance analysis of new chemical materials; petrochemical technology;chemical separation and purification technology; green chemical process and itstechnology; industrial catalysis technology; polymer chemical engineering; newenergy chemical engineering.

Program objectives: This program aims to prepare students for seniorpersonnel positions with a working knowledge of chemical engineering, chemicaltechnics, fine chemical engineering and new energy chemical engineering; andtraining in application technology, experiment skills and innovative researchmethods of chemical engineering and technology; to work in chemical productioncontrol and management, research and development of chemical products andprocess, chemical equipment design and magnification.

Core courses: inorganic and analytical chemistry, organic chemistry,physical chemistry, principle of chemical engineering, fundamentals of computertechnology, basis of mechanical designing, electrical and electronictechnology, chemical reaction engineering, chemical engineering thermodynamics,chemical separation process, chemical technology, principle of transference,principle of catalysis, principle of fine organic synthesis, fine chemistryengineering technology,chemical engineering mathematics, chemical engineering process control andinstrument, chemical engineering design, CAD of chemical engineering, polymerphysics and chemistry, chemical engineering technology of coal, oil and naturalgas processing, instrument analysis.

Possible careers:

Potential careers for graduates include: teaching in colleges anduniversities, scientific research in research institutes, product developmentand technology supervision in domestic and foreign enterprises and productionmanagement in foreign trade companies, in the fields of chemical engineering,petrochemical, environmental protection, energy, metallurgy, pharmaceutical,and light industry.

Applied Chemistry

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

Research Directions: Applied Chemistry, a branch of Chemistry, is not onlythe connection of chemistry and chemical engineering, but also the inter-disciplinaryintegration of energy, materials, biology, environment and information. Aftertwo years of study, students could choose one of the research directions:applied electrochemistry, material chemistry (including polymer chemistry) andcommodity quality engineering test. Meanwhile, the school is authorized toconfer doctoral and master’s degrees.

Program objectives: This program aims to prepare students for seniorpersonnel positions with a working knowledge of chemistry and modern chemicalskills in experiment, design, analysis and testing, to work in energy, materialand modern commodity testing. Graduates integrate operation and managementskills and humanity knowledge.

Core courses: inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organicchemistry, physical chemistry, polymer chemistry, principle of chemicalengineering, material structure, modern instrumental analysis, chemicalengineering cartography, material structure and research method, introductionof material chemistry, inorganic synthesis chemistry, thin-film material,function material, polymer material chemistry, polymer structure and property,theoretical electrochemistry, power supply technology, electroplatingtechnology, electrolysis engineering, painting engineering, quality testtechnology base, quality test of chemical products, physical and chemical testof food, test of daily chemicals, environmental protection and management,application of computer in chemistry.

Possible careers:

Potential careers for graduates include: teaching in colleges anduniversities, scientific research in research institutes, product developmentand technology supervision in domestic and foreign enterprises, productionmanagement and inspection and testing in companies, in the fields of chemicalengineering, petrochemical, trade, port, custom, commodity inspection,environment protection, pharmaceutical, electron, motor, material and energy.Graduates may go further study for a master and doctoral degree.

Environmental Engineering

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

Research directions: Featuring Pollution abatement and resourceutilization, this program focuses on sewage disposal and recycling, disposaland recycling of metallurgical industrial waste, environmental green chemistry,environmental biology, marine ecology protection and resource use, new energydevelopment and application as well as research and development of new environmentalmonitoring equipment.

Program objectives: This program aims to train students with a working knowledgeof environmental science and engineering, sustainable development theory, andbasic skills in waste prevention, water supply and drainage engineering,environmental engineering and resource protection. Graduates may findemployment in designing, planning, management, education and research inplanning departments, managements departments, environmental protectiondepartments, designing institutions, mining enterprises, research institutions,and colleges and universities.

Core Courses: engineering mechanics, engineering drawing, basic chemistry,hydraulics, water treatment microbiology, environmental monitoring, principleof environmental engineering, Environmental analysis Technology, watertreatment engineering, environtology, environmental biology, water pollutioncontrol engineering, air pollution control engineering, solid waste disposaland utilization, environmental influence and evaluation, environmentalplanning, environmental management.

Possible career: Graduates may find employment in planning, designing,management, education and research in planning departments, managementdepartments, environmental protection departments, mining enterprises, researchinstitutions and colleges and universities. Recently, employment rate is above90%. Along with the adjustment of national industrial policy and the strengtheningof environmental protection, there will be a brighter career future forgraduates.

Biological Engineering

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

Research Directions:

With two classes---regular (focusing onbio-pharmaceuticals) andoutstanding (focusing on biochemical engineering),this program aims to adaptstudents to the requirements of pharmaceutical and biochemical engineeringdevelopment, and prepare students for positions in designing, production,management, new technology research, new products development andbio-pharmaceutical production and test. This major is reputed for transgenicproducts, microbiological products and active products of Chinese herbs.

Program objectives:

This program aims to prepare students for engineering positions with aworking knowledge of basic principles and skills of technique process andengineering design, biological technology and its industrialization. Graduatemay find employment in designing, production, management, mew technologyresearch and new products development in the field of biological technology andengineering.

Core Courses: physiology, bio-chemistry, microbiology,cell biology,molecular biology,immunology, genetics,genetic engineering,cell engineering, enzyme engineering, pharmacology, biotechnology,bio-separation engineering, bio-reaction Engineering, medical separation andanalysis, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacy, biopharmaceutical technology.

Possible careers:

Potential careers for graduates include: teaching in colleges anduniversities, scientific research in research institutes, product development, productionmanagement and technology supervision in fields of biology, marine,pharmaceutical, chemical engineering, energy and environmental protection, suchas, biological companies, pharmaceutical companies, brewing companies, foodproduction enterprises, research institutions and higher education institutes.

Process Equipment and Control Engineering

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

Research Directions: developed out of Chemical equipment and Machinery, ithas become a comprehensive one integrating machinery, computer, control,material and chemical engineering. Main research directions includes equipmentand machinery design, research and development in fields of process industry,control technology, process equipment manufacturing and test technology,in-service pressure vessel safety assessment, new energy and energy-savingtechnology, process machinery fault diagnosis in the field of process equipmentand process technology.

Program objectives:

The program aims to prepare students for of senior engineering and technologicalpositions with a professional knowledge of equipment, machinery, control andmanagement of process industry (including chemical engineering, petrochemicalengineering, light industry, pharmaceutical and food industry). Students will alsoget broad theoretical knowledge as well as methods and skills of computerapplication, engineering design, measure control and new equipment development.

Core Courses: advanced mathematics, college physics, mechanical drawing,engineering materials, principles of chemical engineering, theoreticalmechanics, mechanics of materials, mechanical design, electrical and electronictechnology, basis of control engineering, process equipment design, processequipment control technology, process fluid machinery.

Possible careers: this program aims to prepare students for seniorengineering and technological positions, to work in process equipmentengineering design, equipment test and renovation, new products research andoperating management in factories, enterprises, research institutes and highereducation institutes.

School of Vehicle and Energy


1.Vehicle Engineering

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

This program aims to train students for senior engineering positions in the field of automotive engineering technology, such as, automobile design, automobile manufacturing, automobile performance research and testing, automobile marketing and management. Graduates should master modern car design theory and testing methods, automobile production equipment and processes, preliminary grasp automobile CAD / CAE / CAM technology,automobile electronic control, automobile safety, energy conservation and environmental protection. They master a foreign language to be capable of reading foreign professional literature, as well as computer skills.

Students take the following courses: engineering drawing, mechanical principles, mechanical design, technology of metals and fundamentals of mechanic manufacturing, theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, electrotechnics,electronic technology, automobile construction, automobile theory, automobile design, automobile body structure design, automobile manufacturing process, automobile electronic control technology, testing of automobile, automobile CAD/CAM/CAE.


Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

This program aims to train students for senior professional positions with a working knowledge of operations research, management, transportation organization, automobile application. They can find employment in transportation organization, command and decision-making in national, provincial and municipal transportation management departments, production and management in transportation enterprises, automobile sales and service management, technical management in vehicle maintenance and repair enterprises. Students should master systematic scientific theories and professional knowledge,laya solid foundation for academic research, know new trends related to transportation technology development, analyze and solve practical problems in transportation technology and engineering. They master a foreign language to be capable of reading foreign professional literature, as well as computer skills.

Students take the following courses: operation research, management, vehicle transportation engineering, automobile construction, automobile diagnosis technology, logistics engineering,transportation enterprise management, mechanical principles, mechanical design, technology of metals and fundamentals of mechanic manufacturing, theoretical mechanics, mechanics of materials, electrotechnics and electronic technology, automobile application engineering, automobile sales and technical services.

3. Energy and Power Engineering

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

This program integrates many disciplines, including: mechanical engineering, thermal energy and power engineering, chemical engineering, energy development and application. Providing a systematic study of mechanical foundation, heat transfer, engineering thermodynamics, combustion, refrigeration and air conditioning, new energy technology, electrotechnics and electronics, computer technology, this program aims to train students for senior technical positions with an integrated knowledge in thermal energy, mechanical engineering and electronics.

Graduates can find employment in design, operation, research, and management in fields of mechanical engineering, thermal engineering, power engineering, refrigeration and air conditioning engineering, energy and power engineering. Research directions are thermal power generation, refrigeration and air conditioning,and new energy development.

4. Petroleum Engineering

Four-year Bachelor Degree Program

This program began to enroll undergraduate in 2003. It aims to train students for senior technical positions with a theoretical foundation of engineering and a professional knowledge of petroleum engineering. Graduates can find employment in project design, project construction and management, and application research and technology development in the field of oil and gas drilling and completion engineering, oil extraction engineering, reservoir engineering, reservoir evaluation. They master a foreign language to be capable of reading foreign professional literature, as well as computer skills. They are able to apply theories and knowledge to solve practical problems, carry out technological innovations and scientific researchin the production, operation and management of petroleum engineering.

Students learn the basic theories of mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, geology, and engineering sciences, as well as the basic knowledge related to petroleum engineering. Students take the following courses: geology of oil and gas fields, engineering mechanics, computer programming, hydromechanics, fluid mechanics in porous medium, physics of petroleum reservoirs, drilling engineering, oil extraction engineering, reservoir engineering, oilfield chemistry, new technology of drilling, technical economics.

School of Science


This major aims to train morally, intellectually and physically well-rounded graduates with solid foundation in Math and Statistics, systematic theories and methods of Statistics, abstract and innovative thinking, and scientific research practice. Graduates are capable of collecting data, designing questionnaire, processing and analyzing data with modern Statistic methods.


Electrical Information Science and Technology

This major trains students with theories, skills and innovative thinking in Electronic Information Science and Technology, and scientific experimenting and thinking. With a wide knowledge structure, students are capable of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and development. Graduates are qualified for scientific research, design and development, and teaching and management in the fields of Microelectronics, Microwave Technology, and Intelligent Sensing. They have an alternative to go further study for Master and Doctoral degree in Microelectronics, Microwave, Integrated Circuits and related disciplines.


Applied Physics


This major aims to train students with fundamentals of Physical and social science; systematic theories in Physics, Optoelectronics and Optical Information Science and Technology; strict experimenting and scientific research practice; and technology application and development. It prepares students for scientific research, teaching, technology development, and product design and management positions in the fields of Optics, Optoelectronics, Laser, Optical Communication Technology, Optical Information Processing Technology, and Solar Power. They have an alternative to go further study for Master and Doctoral degree in Physics, Electronic technology, Optical Engineering, Materials Physics, Nanotechnology, Energy, and related majors.


Information and Computer Science


This major trains students with mathematical foundation and thinking; theories, methods, and skills of information and computing, and scientific training and practice. With a wide knowledge structure of computing science and applied software, graduates are qualified for scientific research, teaching and management, software development, and information processing positions in research institutes, universities and colleges, enterprises, computing center and economic information department.

School of Economics and Management

Business Administration

This major mainly trains students with enterprise management innovation and practice, modern management theories and skills to solve complex problems, and a broad international vision to meet the needs of modern enterprise management. Graduates are capable of management, planning, consulting, teaching, training, and scientific research in enterprises, institutions and government departments.



This major cultivates students into senior accounting professionals with basic theories of management, economics and accounting, basic knowledge of management, economics and law, and systematic theories and skills of finance and accounting. Graduates are capable of language expression, interpersonal communication, information acquisition. Graduates understand national policies and regulations, international practices, and theoretical developments in accounting, thus capable of research and work.



International Economics and Trade

This major aims to cultivate high-quality professionals in international trade with a systematic understanding of theories and knowledge of international trade business, knowledge and skills of international trade, and other international operations and management activities and related policies research. Graduates are proficient in information and communication technology; humanities and social sciences; communication, coordination and innovation. Graduate are capable of international trade management and research in foreign trade enterprises, enterprises related to foreign trade production and management, and government agencies.


Tourism Management

With the tasks of constructing National Characteristic Specialty, Hebei Undergraduate Education Innovation Base, Hebei Brand Specialty, YSU Teaching Reform Experimental Specialty, this major has built YSU Modern Tourism Industry and Academic Research Institute and YSU Yaduo Life Talent Research Institute and other academic research cooperation platforms, aiming to train students with the development of the modern tourism industry, national tourism industry policies and regulations, and systematic professional knowledge of tourism management. With international vision, innovative consciousness, entrepreneurial spirit, practice ability and social responsibility, Graduates may find potential careers in business, management, planning, consulting, service work in tourism-related enterprises, and education and research institutions, or start their own business.



Industrial Engineering

This major trains students with a solid technological basis of natural science, social science and professional engineering; and a good command of the knowledge and method of economics and management. Graduates are capable of industrial engineering teaching, scientific research, and management.


Electronic Commerce

This major trains students with basic theories of management, economics, computer science, modern information technology, international trade, law and modern logistics; theories and methods of economic management; and marketing theories and practice. Graduates, combining technology and management skills, are able to apply computer information technology and modern management methods to do business and engage in the modern electronic business operation and management, enterprise network and information management with high competitive consciousness, innovation ability and e-commerce capabilities.



Based on the professional education concept of "solid foundation, wide caliber, professional skills, and strong adaptability", this major cultivates students solid theoretical foundation, broad knowledge, work adaptability. Proficient in modern economic analysis and computer operation ability and combining practice and theories, graduate may have potential careers in research or management in colleges and universities, scientific research institution, government departments, enterprises and institutions.


School of Foreign Studies


English Major, focused on humanistic literacy and language application, implements the training modeof “Solid Foundation, Extensive Practice, Broad Caliber”, aiming to train students with solid foundation and extensive knowledge, critical thinking, innovative spirit and international vision. Graduates are qualified for translation, teaching, management and research positions in international affairs, education, trade, culture, science and technology, military and other departments. 



This major, featuring business Japanese and the integration of theory and practice, trains students with a solid language foundation, language practice, international business practice, extensive social and cultural knowledge, and humanistic literacy. It prepares students for translation, teaching, and research positions in the fields of business and trade, culture, technology and education.



Students are required to take courses on German language, literature, history, politics, economy, diplomacy, social and cultural knowledge, international business and trade; and receive a comprehensive training of  listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating and research methods. Graduates are highly competent and qualified for translation, teaching, research and management positions.



This major aims to train innovative students with a solid language foundation, language practice in listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating, and international business.


Translation and Interpretation

This major aims to train students with Chinese and English proficiency, translating and interpreting skills, cross-cultural communication competence, critical and innovative thinking, work ethics, the integration of theory and practice. Graduates are proficient in using modern translation technology for translation, proofreading, editing and managing translation programs, thus gaining competitiveness.


School of Humanities and Law


This major, focused on students’ professional development, aims to train students with fundamentals of Marxism, profound knowledge of Law, Chinese laws and Party policies, and foreign language proficiency. It prepares students for law-related jobs in State Organs, enterprises and institutions, and social organizations, including: Legislative Branch, Judicial Organ, Procuratorate, Judicial Administration, Arbitration Agencies, Legal Services Agencies and foreign-related legal affairs.

Public Administration 
    Based on the theories of Management, Economics and Statistics, this major focuses on 
students’ professional development and trains students with theories and methods of Modern Public Management, quantitative analysis of Public Administration, Human Resource Management, and Labor Economics. It prepares graduates for management positions at public institutions, such as department of culture, education, health, sports, environmental protection, social security, public utility; and public sectors, such as public enterprises, government administrative divisions, and non-government organizations. 

   Radio and Television Journalism 

This major, focused on students’ life-long learning, language skills, and leadership, trains innovative graduates with humanistic literacy and professional knowledge. It prepares students for jobs of interviewing, writing, editing, filming and new media production in the fields of radio and television, journalism and new media.

International Politics

This major aims to train high-quality graduates with theories of Politics and International Politics, high-level language proficiency, and knowledge of International Affairs.


  Chinese Language and Literature

Focused on a comprehensive training of reading, speaking and writing, this major highlights IQ and EQ to develop students’ cultural quality and humanistic literacy.


   Administration Management

This major trains students with solid knowledge of Management and Politics, analytical approach of Public Administration, and administrative organization, action, regulations and affairs.


Politics and Administration 

In accordance with national and regional economic development, this major aims to train morally, intellectually and physically well-rounded Liberal Arts graduates with solid professional knowledge and humanistic knowledge. Following the principle of “Broad Caliber, Solid Foundation, Great Quality and High Competence, and the framework of “general and professional education”, this major cultivates students in logical thinking, innovation and knowledge application so that graduates are research-oriented with innovative entrepreneurship and social responsibility.

School of Marxism


There are 15 graduate supervisors for three secondary discipline master's degree programs, i.e. Fundamental Principles of Marxism, Localization of Marxism in China and Ideological and Political Education. 89 graduates are enrolled.

Master Degree Program

Discipline Description


Awarded Time

Number of supervisors

Marxist theory

Fundamental Principles of Marxism



Localization of Marxism in China



Ideological and Political Education



School of Arts and Design

Environmental Design

This major trains students with professional knowledge, Chinese traditional culture, international vision, critical thinking, design creativity in the spectrum of technology and space, and design management. Graduates are qualified for jobs like interior design, landscape design, and teaching and administration in enterprises and design institutes.

Product Design

This major trains students with professional knowledge and design skills according to students’ interests and personalities. Graduates are capable of design innovation and research for design-related jobs.


  Visual Communication Design

This major aims to train high-quality students capable of design innovation, design research and design management.Graduates master the mainstream or a unique way of modern visual communication design, thus are capable of undertaking the survey, design, planning and operation of complex projects independently or collaboratively. Graduates can follow the international development of the design industry, accumulate rich experiences in visual communication design and related fields, and adapt to new thoughts and skills, which enables them to find their research field or establish their own studio.  


   Public Art 

This major trains innovative graduates for teaching, designing, planning of public art, and combing traditional and modern art into art design; for teaching, research, editing and construction in fields of public art education, research, design, and publishing; and for design, management and teaching in fields of life facilities and public art.

Sculpture Design  

This major aims to train students with theoretical knowledge of culture and art, 3-D contouring, and sculpture design and research to adapt to artistic development. Graduates may find employment in Urban and Landscape Planning Department, sculpture companies, landscape companies, ceramic production, and art institutes. They can also work as teachers and researchers in the field of Sculpture Design.


Industrial Design  

This major trains students with professional knowledge and design theories to develop their potential. Graduates are capable of design innovation and research for design-related jobs.


  Dancing Performance  

This major trains students with theories, professional skills and prospects of Dancing Performance and Choreography. Students, with cultural and artistic accomplishments, aesthetical and creative thinking, are capable of observing, comprehending and generalizing life. Graduates are qualified to complete dance works independently, to usechoreography to complete the creation and rehearsal of dance works, and to teach and do research.


Music Performance (Instrument Performance)

The major aims to prepare students with knowledge of instrument performance and systematic musical theories for jobs like performing, teaching and organizing music activities in professional organizations and schools.

Music Performance (Vocal Music)

This major aims to train students with music theories, professional singing skills, and teaching qualifications. Graduates are qualified for jobs like singing, teaching, researching, editing, commenting, and management in schools, artistic organizations, art research institutes, and cultural organizations.


No. 438, West Section of Hebei Street, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587


