
Application Procedures for Henan University Scholarship

Time:2018-05-08      Source:      Author:

In order to promote the first-rate discipline and the key disciplines of Henan University, the construction of characteristic disciplines and the enhancement of international students' academic level, Henan University have established Henan University Scholarship(hereinafter referred to as "scholarship").


I. Supporting Categories, Duration and Instruction Language

Supporting Category: undergraduate students, Graduate (Master) students and Graduate (PhD) students.  



Supporting Categories

Major Study

(Academic year)

Duration of Scholarship

(Academic year)

Undergraduate students



Graduate(Master) students



Graduate (PhD) students




Instruction Languages:

Language Proficiency for English-medium Programs:

1. Applicants whose mother tongue is English.

2. Applicants whose mother tongue is not English should have

IELTS (6 bands) or TOEFL iBT score 86 for Undergraduate program.

IELTS (6.5 bands) or TOEFL iBT score 86 for Graduate (Master) and Graduate (PhD) program.

Language Proficiency for Chinese-medium Programs:

New HSK4 and HSKK (intermediate level or above) for Undergraduate and Graduate (Master) programs.

New HSK5 and HSKK (intermediate level or above) for Graduate (PhD) programs.


II. Scholarship Coverage

Supporting Categories

Duration of Scholarship

(Academic year)

Scholarship Coverage

Undergraduate students


Tuition fee, accommodation fee (double-beds room) and living allowance (500RMB per month, summer, ten months for every year)

Graduate(Master) students


Tuition fee, accommodation fee (double-beds room) and living allowance (1200RMB per month, ten months for every year)

Graduate (PhD) students


Tuition fee, accommodation fee (double-beds room) and living allowance (2000RMB per month, ten months for every year)

RemarksFor Undergraduate students, Graduate(Master) students, and Graduate (PhD) students they are qualified to get the scholarship on the condition that they pass the annual review in May of each year.

III. Eligibility

1. Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People's Republic of China, be in good health, and have no criminal record.

2. Abide by the laws and regulations of Chinese government, and regulations of Henan University.

3. Have a good attitude for learning and good academic performance.

4. The requirements for applicants' degree and age

Applicants for undergraduate program must have high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 30.

Applicants for graduate program must have bachelor degree or above or more than two-year experience after graduation from vocational college and be under the age of 40.

Applicants for PhD program must have master's degree or above and be under the age of 45.


85 Minglun Street. Kaifeng, Henan Province, P.R.C.


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587


