
Subject  areas 




Atmospheric Science  College    

        Atmospheric Science

        Applied  meteorology                                                             


Management College    

        General administration

        Public utilities management

        Labor and Social Security

        Information management information system

        Human resource management

        Project management

        Tourism management


Computer College    

        Digital media technology

        Computer science and technology (computer application)

        Computer science and technology (computer engineering)


Software  Engineering College

        Software Engineering


Optical Technology College   

       Electronic science  and technology                              

       Optic information  science and technology

       Applied physics

       Materials Physics  


Controlling Engineering  College     

       Measurement,  controlling technology and Instruments

       Electrical Engineering and Automation

       Automation (Industry automation and building  automation)


Logistics College     

       Logistic management

       Logistics engineering

       Electronic  commerce                                               


Foreign Language College



Information Security Engineering  College   

        Information  countermeasure technology

        Information  Security

        Network Engineering  

        Internet of things  

        Information  security


Mathematics College

        Information and  computing science

         Mathematics and applied mathematics


Statistics College   

        Statistics (government statistics)

        Statistics (Actuarial and Financial  statistics)


Electronic engineering  college    

        Electronic and Information Engineering  (Signal process)

         Electronic and Information Engineering (Atmospheric detection)

         Electronic and Information Engineering (Applied electronic technology)  

         Electronic Information Science and Technology

         Lightning Protection Science and Technology

         Biomedical Engineering


Business College        


         Financial Engineering

         Accounting (accounting)

         Accounting (certified accountant) Accounting (ACCA)

         International Economics Trade

         Financial Management


Resource and Environment Engineering College      

         Science and Technology of Remote Sensing

         Environment Science

         Environment Engineering

         Geographical Information System

         Surveying and Mapping Engineering


Culture and Art College     

         Artistic Designing

         Social Work

         Chinese language & literature

         Chinese as a Second Language


Telecommunication College  


         Telecommunication Engineering 


No.24 Block 1, Xuefu Road, Chengdu, China


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587


