
Founded  in 1938,Guizhou Medical University (GMU), then National Guiyang Medical College  was the first batch of universities in China to be approved by the Ministry of  Education to grant master degree in 1981 and one of the two universities to  grant doctoral degrees in Guizhou in 2003. GMU was evaluated as one of the three  provincial key universities in 2005. Later GMU was established post-doctoral  research institute in 2010 and was crowned as th3e sole Medical DoctorDegree  granting organization.

After  77 years of providing education in clinical medicine, pharmacy, medical  laboratory science, preventive medicine and nursing. GMU holds 20 teaching  units: 17 schools and 3 departments. GMU currently hosts 1 doctoral program  covering 7 sub-majors, 1 postdoctoral research institute, 53 master programs,  and 33 undergraduate programs. GMU supervises over 6 affiliated hospitals, 8  collaborating hospitals, 1 collaborating clinic medicine school, 6 teaching  hospitals and 15 training hospitals.

GMU  was renowned for its 4 national tertiary education units, 1 national laboratory  teaching exemplary center, 1 national teaching exemplary team, 3 national key  secondary education majors, 3 key laboratories approved by the Ministry of  Education, 7 provincial key majors, 5 provincial clinical key majors, 1 Ministry  of Education approved Development and Application Center of Ethnodrugs, 2  provincial key laboratories, 8 provincial exemplary undergraduate majors,7  provincial teaching exemplary centers and 5 provincial teaching exemplary teams.  Currently, it has an enrollment of over 15000 full time students with the  proportion of over 25% master and doctoral program students.

With  ever-improving teaching and research competence, GMU enjoyed bigger reputation  and influence. In recent years, GMU has hosted more than 10 national academic  conferences, established fine cooperation with renowned universities in the  U.S., Sweden, Japan and other 9 countries. With a total of 170 visits paid by  scholars and faculty from these countries and 213 domestic visits came to GMU  for the international and domestic cooperation. GMU also emphasize on grooming  its own talents by sending 4000 visits to abroad for international conference  and study. With ever-expanding global communication and collaboration, it has  enhanced the teaching and research competence of the teaching faculty  of GMU. Meanwhile, the university is an active participant of Chun Hui Project  proposed by the Ministry of Education, valued research partner of Karolinska  Institute of Sweden and NIH of U.S.


University City, Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587


