Regulations on International Student


1. International students include Chinese Language students, international undergraduates and international postgraduates. The length of study for Chinese Language students may be either 12 months or under 12 months.                    


2. HUHST international student recruitment is mainly undertaken via websites. Co-operational recruitment with domestic and overseas organizations which are authorized legally to recruit international students shall be undertaken in accordance with mutually signed contracts.


3. Scholarship and tuition waiver for international students

  (1). One-year Chinese language students who behave well during their study without absence, late arrival or early leave for the class can be rewarded with RMB5000 yuan or 3000 yuan as scholarship when they achieve an average score of 80 (or above) or 70 (or above) respectively in final examinations; Short-term Chinese language students (under 12 months) are neither charged of tuition fees nor offered any scholarship.

  (2). i. Tuition for the first academic year will be refunded to international undergraduates and postgraduates whose Chinese proficiency has reached the entry requirement for higher education (usually HSK 4 or above) after they pay the tuition for the second academic year.

        ii. International students whose Chinese proficiency fails to reach the entry requirement are required to attend a period of Chinese Language course; after they get HSK 4 or above, they can be enrolled to degree-granting programs and will be refunded the tuition for the Chinese Language course.

        iii. Scholarship is offered to international undergraduates or postgraduates. Students who behave well during their study without absence, late arrival or early leave for the class can be rewarded with RMB8000 yuan as scholarship when they achieve an average score of 80 or above in final examinations.

  (3). Should one-year Chinese language students apply to extend their language study to two years, their tuition for the second year is waived; should they apply for any degree-granting program, scholarship or tuition waiver policies for them shall be in accordance with Item (2).


4. On-campus jobs are offered to international students.

  (1). International students with good English competence (IELTS 7 or above, TOFEL-IBT 100 or above, English native, etc.) can apply to be English teaching assistants, who teach 2-3 classes per week with an allowance of RMB120 yuan per class.

  (2). International students with good English competence who perform well during their study and actually require part-time on-campus jobs can be considerably arranged a place of 3-5 hours per week as English activity organizers; the allowance for this job is RMB30 to 40 yuan per class hour.

  (3). All kinds of allowance mentioned herein shall be granted to students monthly.



6. A reward is offered to international students or foreign teachers in HUHST who recruit international students successfully for the university. Any foreign student who recruits one international student can be rewarded RMB1000 yuan after the student’s registration and payment of all the fees. The amount of reward is increased in accordance with the increase of the recruited international students.



Office of International Cooperation and Exchange Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology Hunan, China


Phone:0086-738-8376006; 0086-738-8370207

Fax: 0086-738-8376006
