Programs Offered

Programs Offered

  1. Degree Program

Bachelor degree program lasts four years. Students can get graduation certificate on the condition that they finish all required courses and pass their thesis defense. They will be awarded bachelor degree if they fulfill the course requirements. Students would study together with Chinese students.

  1. Non-degree  program


(1)Preparatory courses for undergraduate education.

The Chinese language study period for the zero-based language students which lasts 1 year at leastor can be extended according to the situation. Students can enter the undergraduate education after finish all the language courses and get the HSK4 certificate (or reach the corresponding Chinese language level).

(2)Chinese language courses In accordance with the Chinese level of overseas students, Chinese language courses are offered at different levels, and it lasts 1-3 years. Students will be issued the certificate of completion after finish all the courses and pass the curriculum assessment.


Xueyuan Road, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, China


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587


