1. Degree Education Scholarship (undergraduate, postgraduate)
Degree Education Scholarship provides for all the foreign students in YU. It includes "Jiangxi Provincial Government Scholarship" Reward amount 20,000 RMB/ person, and "Yichun University Scholarship" Reward amount including 1,500 RMB/ person,1,000 RMB/ person and 500 RMB/ person three different grades.
2. Non-degree education Scholarship
Non-degree education Scholarship is for Non-degree rewarding foreign students who choose to study Chinese language in YU. It includes "Jiangxi Provincial Government Scholarship” Reward amount 6,000 RMB/person, "Yichun University Scholarship" two semesters scholarship is 1,000RMB/person, one semester scholarship is 600 RMB/person.
576, Xuefu road, Yuanzhou District of Yichun City Jiangxi Province, China