


Application Fee

Tuition Fee

Fee for Textbooks

Summer Program400 RMBRMB 3,400 for 4 weeks
(1 week = 20 credit hours
1 credit hour  = 40 minutes)
Free of Charge
RMB 5,000 for 6 weeks
Short-term Chinese Course
Group Program
RMB 400RMB 1,000 for 1 weekCollect
as fact
RMB1,800 for 2 weeks
RMB 2,600 for 3 weeks
RMB 3,400 for 4 weeks
RMB 1000 for the first week. 
From the second week,  
plus  RMB 800 per additional week.
(1 week = 20 credit hours
1 credit hour = 40  minutes)
General Chinese CourseRMB 450RMB 9,000 per semester
       RMB 18,000 per academic year
Collect as fact
Business Chinese CourseRMB 450RMB 9,000 per semester
       RMB 18,000 per academic  year
Intensive Chinese CourseRMB 450RMB 17,000 per semester
Bachelor's Degree ProgramRMB 520RMB 9,900 per semester
       RMB 19,800 per academic  year
Master's Degree ProgramRMB 520RMB 11,500 per semester
         RMB 23,000 per academic  year
Ph. D. ProgramRMB 520RMB 14,000 per semester
         RMB 28,000 per academic  year

*  All the fees are Chinese currency RMB quotation.
* The above fee list is  valid from October, 2010.

Refund Policy

A.  About the Application Fee: No refund  after payment.
B.  About the Tuition Fee:
1.   Rule for the tuition fee that registered  students (old students) have paid to extend their study for next semesters:  No  refund after payment.
2.  The following are the rules for the  tuition fee that new students have paid (Including students who have paid for  one year or more. Registration date specified by SHNU is regarded as the  standard date) :
90% of the tuition fee can be refunded  on condition that the student applies for quitting school and gets approval  before the registration date specified by SHNU.
70% of the tuition fee can be refunded  on condition that the student applies for quitting school and gets approval in  the first week of the semester.
50% of the tuition fee can be refunded  on condition that the student applies for quiting school and gets approval in  the second week of the semester.
RMB 3,000 can be refunded if the student  transfers from the Intensive Chinese Course to General Chinese Course in the  first two weeks. Course and class can not be changed two weeks later.
Tuition fee is not refundable two weeks  later, including the tuition fee paid for next semesters.

①  Original invoice must be returned while refunding money.
② Visa  shall be canceled if a student applies for quitting school or applies for study  suspension.
 No  refund if a student applies for study suspension.
④ This refund policy is valid for all the  international students, including the students who have paid for one year or  more.
⑤ The registration date here refers to  the registration date specified by SHNU, not the date the individual student  registers in SHNU.


No.100 Guilin Rd. Shanghai, China,


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587


