
           China University of Petroleum-Beijing (CUPB) - a global intellectual hub in energy studies, located in the dynamic and culturally-rich Changping District of Beijing City. As a first-tier national university of China, the mission of CUPB is to prepare qualified engineers and offer great technical service for the global oil industry through its education of the highest quality and excellent research. The present focus of CUPB includes its traditional energy related fields with the new outreach to sustainable and renewable energy technology and clean energy technology, deep-water technology, energy strategy and policy study, safely engineering technology, environmental engineering and energy management. There are 16 colleges in total at CUPB which offer 27 Bachelor programmes, 99 Master programmes and 48 PhD programmes. We have 2 national key labs, 1 national engineering education center and 20 ministerial key labs or research institutes.China University of Petroleum, Beijing, is located in a scenic region of tourist interest in Changping County, Beijing, about 5 miles to the Ming Tombs and 15 miles to the Great Wall. Changping is dynamic yet laid-back, culturally rich but down to earth. One can easily explore Changping on foot or by bike with its perfect size. CUPB has a beautiful campus divided into two relatively independent quarters, which has excellent teaching and learning facilities and well-equipped residential areas.


China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing China


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587


