
Admission Prospectus For International Undergraduate Students

I. Qualifications
International students are enrolled to undergraduate programs in fall semester and pre-university programs in both spring and fall semesters.

In case of any contradiction, the latest regulations and policies of the department in charge shall prevail.

1.1 Applicants shall have a high school diploma or equivalent educational background, adhere to laws and regulations of the Chinese government, and be no more than 30 years old. Good moral character, physical health and no criminal record are also required.

1.2 Applicants shall be non-Chinese nationals and possess a passport of their own countries with valid page of Chinese residence permit.

Residents of Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who have emigrated to a foreign country and who are now applying to study in China as international students shall have held a valid foreign passport for at least four years, and shall have actually resided in a foreign country for at least two years in the past four years (as of the closing date of application). (Nine months of residence in a foreign country may count as a full year. The dates of the entry and exit stamps in the passport shall be followed in the determination of actual foreign residence.)

Note: According to the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners, and Working Rules on Visas and Residence Permits for Foreigners, the Entry and Exit Administrative Bureau shall verify and confirm the foreign nationality while handling visa applications. 

1.3 In principle, applicants for Chinese-medium programs shall pass HSK Level 5 or above (except for graduates from Malaysian Chinese Independent Schools).

II. Admissions

There are two types of admissions: admission by application (exam-exempted) and admission by examination.

2.1 Admission by application (exam-exempted)

In principle, only foreign high school graduates from relevant overseas countries or regions are eligible to apply.

Applicants who do not attend the Joint Entrance Examination of Jinan University and Huaqiao University for students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, overseas Chinese and other foreign students (hereinafter referred to as Joint Admissions) but eligible for application can apply on the recommendations of overseas Chinese embassies, consulates or official agencies, overseas Chinese communities, schools or celebrities, or directors of admissions offices abroad. Applicants can also submit applications along with results of high school graduation exam or college entrance examination to our admissions office. The university shall verify applications and admit applicants to undergraduate or pre-university programs according to their submitted examination results and Chinese proficiency.

At present, the university has already set up overseas admissions offices in the following countries: Austria, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Japan, Mongolia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Ecuador, Peru, Madagascar, Mauritius and Tanzania. Local students can be admitted to undergraduate or pre-university programs on the recommendations of our overseas admissions offices.

Application deadline: July 10th every year

Application materials:

2.1.1 Application Form for International Students of Huaqiao University 

2.1.2 The original copy and a photocopy of host country passport (non-Chinese nationals), school record, high school transcript (3 years) and results of high school graduation exam or college entrance examination (original ones for verification and photocopies to be submitted). School record and transcript in languages other than Chinese shall be submitted with notarized translation in Chinese.

According to related exit and entry laws and regulations, international students studying in China must possess the Student Visa (X1 Visa). Please submit complete materials as required and fill out JW202 for the application of Student Visa (X1 Visa).

2.1.3 Two one-inch bareheaded color photos.

2.1.4 Applicants for Chinese-medium programs shall, in principle, pass HSK Level 5 or above (except for graduates from Malaysian Chinese Independent Schools).

2.1.5 One copy of graduation appraisal or letter of recommendation from our overseas admissions offices, overseas Chinese embassies, consulates or official agencies, or overseas Chinese communities, schools or celebrities.

2.2 Admission by examination

As to applicants attending Joint Admissions, the university shall admit students to undergraduate and pre-university programs according to their grades, performances and physical conditions in high school.

Applicants shall apply online at first and then verify at the scene. 

2.2.2 Scene verification time: mid- to late March (except on weekends and public holidays). Foreign students must get verified on Quanzhou campus.

2.2.3 Application materials required for scene verification

(1) Two printed copies of Application Form (applicants shall print the form by themselves after completing the online application process)

(2) One printed copy of exam admission ticket (applicants shall upload a digital photo before printing or stick a paper one afterwards)

(3) Identification document(s) (for more details, refer to Qualifications), school record and high school transcript (3 years) (the original ones for verification and two photocopies for submission). School record and transcript in languages other than Chinese shall be submitted with notarized translation in Chinese. School record from overseas schools shall also be submitted with notarized translation from Chinese overseas embassies.

(4) Three one-inch bare-headed color photos (two for two application forms and one for exam admission ticket if the digital photo is not uploaded).

(5) The original copy of recent exit and entry query record of the applicants.

2.2.4 Application fee

The application fee is 500 CNY per person. Please pay with a UnionPay credit or debit card, cash not accepted.

2.2.5 Exam time and venues

Exam time: usu. the second weekend in May

Exam venues: including Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Xiamen. The Xiamen exam venue is at Chinese Language and Culture College of Huaqiao University.

2.2.6 Examination Subjects

The examination consists of three compulsory and one selective subjects. The full mark of each one is 150. The total full mark is 600. Exam details are as follows:

(1) Compulsory subjects: Chinese, English and Math.

(2) Selective subject: One (chosen during online application as required by the major applied).

(3) The exam content is listed on The Entrance Examination Syllabus (2016-2020) compiled by the Joint Admissions Office of Jinan University and Huaqiao University.

After the enrollment of freshmen, the university is entitled to double-check the physical examination result and personal identity. The university shall disqualify those applicants who do not meet the requirements.

III. English-Medium Programs

International School of Huaqiao University offers English-medium programs for undergraduates, i.e., International Business, International Economics and Trade, Finance, Accountancy, Tourism Management, Computer Science and Technology, Business Administration, Economics. Students enrolled can try out for International Class for Sino-American 121 Dual-Degree Program for the opportunity to study in the universities of USA.

3.1 International Class for Sino-American 121 Dual-Degree Program

Students fulfilling all requirements of the program shall be granted diplomas and bachelor’s degrees by both of the two universities in China and the USA (Bachelor’s degree of the USA universities shall be approved by CSCSE).

International Class for Sino-American 121 Dual-Degree Program, a subsidiary to Sino-American Cooperation on Higher Education and Professional Development (CHEPD) 121 Dual-Degree Program, was jointly established by Huaqiao University, China Center for International Educational Exchange (CCIEE), and universities in the USA. The details of the program are as follows:

3.1.1 The first year of the program shall be spent in Huaqiao University with the instruction and guidance of professors and lecturers from both HQU and the United States partner universities (only AASCU member institutions).

3.1.2 In the second and third years of the program, students who meet the standard of the program shall continue their study of the same or similar courses at one of the United States partner universities (only AASCU member institutions).

3.1.3 In the fourth year of the program, students shall return to Huaqiao University to complete their study of the same or similar courses.

3.1.4 Students fulfilling all requirements of the program shall be granted the diplomas and bachelor’s degrees from both the Chinese university and the U.S. university, which shall be approved by Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) and the United States government dents who fail to meet the standard of the program shall complete their academic years in Huaqiao University in the following way: students of Economics, Finance and International Economics and Trade shall further their study in Finance (CFA certification courses); students of Business Administration, Accountancy and Tourism Management shall further their study in Accountancy (ACCA certification courses) or International Business; students of International Business can choose to participate in the 3+1 or 3+1+1 Bachelor-Master Program; students of Computer Science and Technology shall further their study in the same course.

IV. Pre-University Program

Pre-University Program (PUP) is designed to help those formally enrolled to promote their learning and improve their Chinese to lay a good foundation for progress towards the first year of undergraduate study.

4.1 Admission time: PUP enrolls students in both spring and fall semesters. Students enrolled in spring semester are mainly high school graduates from Southeast Asia.

4.2 Admission criteria: Though it is not as strict as that for undergraduate programs, students are admitted on merit-based principle according to their performance in the examination held in the host country/region or in high school graduation exam. For details, please refer to the admission prospectus and cut-off line in the host country/region of the same year.

4.3 Courses: Students are sorted into liberal arts class and science class. Courses provided include Chinese, Advanced Mathematics, College English, liberal arts or science courses as required and other related college courses.

4.4 Notes on PUP A Class and B Class and procedures for direct progress toward undergraduate study:

4.4.1 Students enrolled to PUP A Class can directly progress to undergraduate study at Huaqiao University upon completion of one-year study if they pass the exams;

4.4.2 Students enrolled to PUP B Class may directly progress to undergraduate study at Huaqiao University upon completion of one-year study if in compliance with relevant regulations of HQU;

4.4.3 Students enrolled to PUP B Class can in principle progress to A Class for further study upon completion of one-year study if they pass the exams;

4.4.4 Throughout the program, students enrolled to PUP B Class can also choose to take other entrance exams the next year, such as Joint Admissions and National Joint Entrance Examination for Students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Students can be admitted to undergraduate programs at HQU if they pass the exams.

4.5 Undergraduate major selection: As they progress to undergraduate study, science students can select from all majors, liberal arts students can select from majors except science and engineering, while majors of art and physical education are open to both liberal arts and science students.

V. Study Costs (subject to the appraisal of the Price Bureau of Fujian Province)

5.1 Tuition fee (CNY per academic year per person)


Student Category

Pre-University Program

Undergraduate Programs

Visual Communication Design / Product Design / Environment Design (Interior Design) / Fine Arts / Painting / Music Performance / Musicology / Dance Performance /Dancology

Pharmacy / Clinical Medicine

English- Medium Program / International Class for Sino-American 121 Dual-Degree Program

Chinese Education / Chinese Language


Overseas Students







Notes: (1) Tuition fees are credit-based for undergraduate programs and collected on academic-yearly basis.

(2) Students of International Class for Sino-American 121 Dual-Degree Program shall pay the tuition and accommodation fees during their stay in the US in accordance with the regulations of the American universities, which shall offer different scholarship programs.

5.2 Accommodation fees (CNY per academic year)

5.2.1 Quanzhou Campus & Xiamen Campus

Accommodation Standard



Single Room

(Quanzhou Campus)


Air-conditioning, telephone, bathroom, water heater, Wi-Fi, desk, 24/7 security

Double Room


Quad Room


5.2.2 College of Chinese Language and Culture

Accommodation Standard



Double Room


Air-conditioning, telephone, bathroom, water heater, laundry, 24/7 security

Quad Room


Air-conditioning, telephone, bathroom, washing machine, 24/7 security


(1) Bedding is not provided.

(2) Water and electricity fees are not included.

5.3 Other expenses: including board, textbooks, insurance, etc.


No.668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian


Phone:0086-571-88165708,+86 15857187587


