Spoken Chinese
Spoken Chinese is a compulsory course for foreign students who aim at practicing their oral Chinese communication skills. The course is designed as small-sized classes with around 10 students, mainly taughtin Chinese. Students will be assigned to classes according to actual situation at the commencement of a semester.
Aims Elementary Level:
Develop students’ correct pronunciation and pinyin spelling. The ability to speak conversational Chinese related to daily-life situations, as well as the proficiency of self-expression and incident-narration with acquired vocabulary and grammar.
Lower Intermediate Level:
Develop the expressive ability in passage, average speaking rate, as well as expressive accuracy and clearance, and the capacity to hold a discussion on a general topic, as well as general representation and business negotiation.
Elementary Level: 16 weeks,4 classes (3 hours) per week;
Lower intermediate Level: 16 weeks,4 classes (3 hours) per week.
Elementary Level:Huiyuan Yang, Speed-up Chinese (Speaking Book 1),Beijing University Press, 2011.
Lower Intermediate Level:Huiyuan Yang,Speed-up Chinese (Speaking Book 2),Beijing University Press, 2011.
Chinese Reading
Chinese Reading is a compulsory course for foreign students. Courses are set according to two levels including elementary and lower intermediate, and more levels could be provided according to students’ achievements. The course will bemainly taught in Chinese.
Aims Elementary Level:
Develop students’ ability to understand short text materials for greeting, gratitude and invitation on a social occasion; to read common signs in daily life; to grasp a general idea of common notes, notices and simple forms; to locate specific information in a familiar short material.
Lower Intermediate Level:
Develop students’ ability to understand common introductory and explanatory materials; to read ordinary letters, emails, notices from which key information could be seized; to understand descriptive or narrative short materials in a common scene, to grasp the central topic, vital details and the true intentions of the materials; to acquire specific information through reading factual long texts.
Elementary Level: 16 weeks,4 classes (3 hours) per week;
Lower intermediate Level: 16 weeks,4 classes (3 hours) per week.
Elementary Level:Quan Li, Shuhong Wang & Shujun,Developing Chinese: Elementary Reading and Writing I, Beijing Languageand Culture University Press, 2012.
Lower Intermediate Level:Quan Li, Shuhong Wang & Shujun, Developing Chinese: Elementary Reading and Writing II, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2012.
Integrated Chinese Course
Integrated Chinese is a compulsory course for foreign students. It aims to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by integrating relevant culture background into communicative techniques. There are two levels of the course including elementary and lower intermediate.
Aims Elementary Level:
Develop students’ basic mastery of accurate pronunciation, tone and intonation. The ability to perform basic expression such as greeting and introduction in daily life; to express will or narrate certain event; to express simple personal opinions on daily issues.
Lower Intermediate Level:
Develop students’ skills to carry on daily conversations with acquired vocabulary, sentences and culture knowledge, the knowledge of Chinese national culture and condition by which cultural barriers could be overcome, the ability to communicate fluently on a wide range of topics.
Elementary Level: 16 weeks,4 classes (3 hours) per week;
Lower intermediate Level: 16 weeks,4 classes (3 hours) per week.
Elementary Level: Jizhou Yang,Chinese Language Course I,Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2014.
Lower Intermediate Level: Jizhou Yang,Chinese Language Course II,Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2014.
1110 Library Building, Zhejiang Shuren University, 36 Zhoushan East Rd, Gongshu District, Hangzhou Zhejiang, China
Phone:+86 (0)571 88296317 (8:00-11:30, 13:30-16:30)